Anisha (India)

3.5 hour street tour in which you stroll along 8K of Nairobi’s Central Business District whilst hearing the life stories of 3 different youth who were raised on the streets. Hear their intense struggles and incredible hustle amidst the backdrop of Nairobi. While 1 tells their tale, the other 2 fall back and help spot you. This tour is intense in the best way and definitely gives you a good feel for a cross-section of Nairobi that you would not normally get exposure to as a tourist. The initiative is also fantastic – to have the youth own and transform their stories into a skill and livelihood while providing others a window into their lives. And Cheddaz, Donga and Kissmart are all incredibly charming, accommodating and helpful. A break for some local food and drink also allowed us to chat more casually and swap music recommendations. These three met because of performing and if you’re lucky, they’ll share their Youtube video with you and maybe even give you a taste of the magic that is #Nairobeez